The following articles are interesting.
1. After reading the book and the watching the film, All the President's Men, which do you think is more effective in telling the story of the Watergate scandal?
2. Discuss the differences between Woodward and Bernstein and their evolving relationship.
3. Why is it often said that this film inspired a generation of students to go to journalism school?
b) Would you ever consider a career in investigative journalism?
4. How is the media environment of today different from the newspaper dominated media culture of the 1970's?
5. "Nothing's riding on this except the first amendment of the Constitution, freedom of the press, and maybe the future of the country" - Bradlee to Woodward and Bernstein
How would America been different if Woodward and Bernstein had not relentlessly pursued this story?
6. Ken Ringle wrote, "The director wisely keeps his Nixon administration villains of screen -- their power and inaccessibility hinted at by TV images or by a voice on the telephone or by the opaque windows of darkly sinister limousines." Comment.
7. Discuss the cinematography and the use of music throughout the film.
8. Which character do you find the most interesting?
9. What is your opinion on the way Pakula ends the film? How would you have ended differently if you were dissatisfied?
10. Compare and contrast Woodward's informant Deep Throat with Daniel Ellsberg, Bradley Manning, and Edward Snowden. Were they all heroes, traitors, or whistle-blowers?
11. Try to watch the Discovery channel's All the President's Men Revisited and integrate into your comments. (*posted below)
12. I would also highly recommend watching Frost Nixon on your own. (here is a trailer below